Water Sewer & Garbage
Water meters are read on the last day of every month. You will receive a Utility Bill that shows your total water consumption for the month, along with sewer and garbage service charges. Utility bills are due on the 15th of every month. You may pay your bill at the following locations: People's State Bank located on Main Street, the drop box at City Hall located inside the East side door of the building or mail it to: City of Westhope, Po Box 412, Westhope, ND 58793.
If a Utility balance becomes 60 days past due, a shut off notice is sent. If the amount due is not paid by the stated due date and your water is shut off, an additional $100.00 will be added onto your total balance before the water will be turned on.
The landowner is responsible for the curb stop as well as the service line going into the home. In the event that a curb stop is inoperable, it is the responsibility of the landowner to replace or repair the curb stop to make it operational.
$20 and $6.00 per thousand thereafter.
$11 Tower Fee
$1 Meter Fee
$27.00 per month
$20.00 per month
The Water, Garbage and Sewer bill due date is written at the bottom of your statement or invoice. The payment is due by that time otherwise a $5.00 penalty will be tacked on to the bill.
If you have any questions on your account or to set up a new one you can either stop by the City Hall which is located in the Gateway Motel or you can call (701) 245-6316.